La Guelde Delphina
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La Guelde Delphina

La Guelde Delphina, association de la loi 1901, s'interessant plus particulièrement à l'époque XIVè et XVè siècles. Passionnés, amateurs ou curieux vous pouvez discourir en toute liberté sur ces pages
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 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures

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MessageSujet: [sources] [XIVe] Tentures   [sources] [XIVe] Tentures Icon_minitimeVen 1 Aoû - 14:32

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[sources] [XIVe] Tentures A1213
format géant :

This is the oldest tapestry in the Rijksmuseum collection and indeed the earliest known in the Netherlands. It is part of a larger work that was woven between 1376 and 1378 in Paris or Atrecht. The original tapestry probably formed part of a large ensemble of mural and portal hangings, bed curtains and canopies that decorated an entire apartment. A continuous diamond pattern on a blue background forms the basic motif. Each diamond contains various features: storks pointing to a rosette with their legs and beaks, angels and fortified walls. At the centre of each diamond is a beast resting on its hind legs: one is a lion, three are elephants, four unicorns and two deer.

Tapestry with the arms of Rogier de Beaufort, Turenne and De Comminges (fragment)

c. 1376 - Wool on woolen warp - 220 x 209 cm - Object number - BK-NM-11702

[sources] [XIVe] Tentures A1214
Family coats of arms
Each feature of the design refers to the families of Rogier de Beaufort, Turenne and De Comminges. This combination suggests that the tapestry was made for Guillaume III Rogier de Beaufort, Count of Turenne (c. 1310-1395), and his wife Aliénor de Comminges (d. 1397). The arms of the two families are depicted in the yellow rosettes and on the caparisons of the animals. The arms of Turenne comprise alternate yellowHeraldic coloursOriginally six tinctures were used in heraldry: two metals and four colours. The two metals are gold (or) and silver (argent), often portrayed as yellow and white. The colours are red (gule), blue (azure), black (sable) and green (vert). and red bendlets. The arms of Rogier de Beaufort feature six red roses on a white field, divided by an azure bend. Another motif from the De Comminges arms is also featured on some of the caparisons: silver almonds and Turenne shields on a red field.

[sources] [XIVe] Tentures A1216

None of the elements featured on this tapestry is purely decorative. Animals are often employed in heraldry as supporters holding the shield. Other elements refer directly to the Rogier de Beaufort family, and particularly to Guillaume III. The fortified wall is a literal reference to the name Beaufort, but may also represent the town wall of Avignon.
[sources] [XIVe] Tentures Tepp10

Augustinermuseum Freiburg
Maltererteppich (1310/20)
Samson bezwingt den Löwen - Licorne -
Phyllis et Aristote

[sources] [XIVe] Tentures Malt0110 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures Malt0210 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures Malt0310


[sources] [XIVe] Tentures Anna110
[sources] [XIVe] Tentures Anna210
détails, crédits :

[sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219492
[sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219638 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219775 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219876 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219924 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200219964 [sources] [XIVe] Tentures 1200220041
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